Sustainability issues in SDF project management
The workshop on the sustainability of the SDF2 projects, was held at the Ambassador Hotel in Hargeisa on Monday 9 May. The workshop was part of an ongoing baseline assessment of the sustainability of current SDF investment projects.
SDF2 focuses on sustainable infrastructure investments and only invests in projects supported by robust Operations and Maintenance systems and budgets, thereby ensuring the longer-term sustainability of economic assets. SDF2 has two interrelated CD objectives contributing toward increased MDA capacity in public resource management. The current assignment focuses on the first objective to increase MDA’s capacity to plan the operation and maintenance of SDF and government investments.
The objective of the assessment is to establish a baseline on existing regulatory and institutional frameworks, processes, skills, and equipment to support the process of O&M for SDF-funded investments. The assignment will also identify gaps and propose remedial measures based on this assessment.Het doel van de beoordeling is een basisniveau vast te stellen voor de bestaande regelgevende en institutionele kaders, processen, vaardigheden en uitrusting ter ondersteuning van het O&M-proces voor door het SDF gefinancierde investeringen. Op basis van deze beoordeling zullen ook lacunes worden vastgesteld en corrigerende maatregelen worden voorgesteld.