Corporate Volunteering

Corporate volunteering is a powerful way for employees and companies to contribute their knowledge and skills to social causes. CPC specialises in this and can help your company and/or your network of companies and social organisations develop this (further). A special aspect here is social coaching by company employees. This means the 1:1 support that employees give to target groups in society (young people, refugees, etc.) based on their own social commitment. Henk Kinds describes these projects in the beautifully designed book 'COACH2B, surprising connections', which can be ordered from CPC. CPC.

Why coaching and mentoring?

These activities yield 3-fold benefits for the target groups and their projects, the companies involved and the coaching staff, respectively:

  • 1:1 support and contact are effective for the coachee, mentee or buddy. Providing guidance and support to more people in this way allows people from various groups to develop further;
  • It offers the company an excellent way to shape its corporate social responsibility (CSR) and also contributes to employee development (hrm);
  • Through social coaching, employees can find an effective way to develop themselves. For example, research shows that employees who coach social target groups find that it gives depth to their work; See below:

Voluntary coaches from the business community can contribute to

  • Talent development
  • Increasing self-confidence
  • Orientation within business
  • Gaining entrepreneurial and employee skills
  • Increase professional network, and social capital.